داستان آبیدیک

archival material


1 فلسفه:: مطالب آرشیوی

Not only are there questions about what legitimately constitutes the archive, but also there are also related questions about the truth claims of archival material. Moreover, according to Michael Lynch, "the archive is never 'raw' or 'primary,'" because it is always assembled so as to lead later investigators in a particular direction.44 Because there is never sufficient archival material, Carolyn Steedman goes so far as to declare that the historian's craft involves the ability to "conjure a social system from a nutmeg grater."45 For these reasons, Steadman contends that "historians read for what is not there: the silences and the absences of the documents always speak to us."46 Despite their limitations, we cling to archival materials in the hope of some- how connecting to a past we can never fully know. Despite their limitations, we cling to archival materials in the hope of somehow connecting to a past we can never fully know.

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